Everyone consumes some aspect of media on a day to day basis, whether we choose to or not, but the differentiation between us all, is the variations of content that we each consume.
Someone can consume media through a
variety of different platforms such as; watching
television/films, listening to
various radio stations,
reading newspapers/magazines etc.
As said previously, we all
consume different types of media, but we also consume it for different reasons. The reasons in which we consume a specific type of media, also gives us a
certain gratification from this consumption.
Being a media student, and a teenager in this day and age, it's merely impossible to avoid consumption of media.
Media is absolutely everywhere in the world! By the time one has travelled to college or even work, they would have consumed
some form of media, without knowing it. This could be something as simple as looking at a
billboard advertisement, listening to the
radio etc.
I consume masses of media, mainly for
entertainment purposes. Below are a few examples of the type of media that I consume.
I choose to fully immerse myself into a whole variety of media platforms involving; television, film, radio, video games, online material, newspapers and also magazines. I choose to consume these specific media platforms for specific reasons too.
Below is a diagram that I have constructed, based upon the McQuails theory. The diagram essentially highlights Denis McQuail's theory about the typology of common reasons for media use.
McQuail's believed that there must be reasons for why we consume media, and the potential reasons for the outcome of consuming media. As you can see from the diagram, McQuail's believed there were numerous reasons for why someone would consume a specific type of media. They are sorted into four main categories; Personal Identity, Information, Integration and Social Interaction and finally, Entertainment.
One example of this could be someone watching BBC News to gain Information, as well as use it as a chance of Integration/Social Interaction. This person could be consuming this particular piece of media to 'satisfy curiosity and general interest'. As well as this, the individual could be consuming this particular media to 'find a basis for conversation and social interaction'. An example of this could be the numerous political general election stories, that are currently being shown on the news.
I will be looking at the McQuail's theory, and using it to determine why I consume the specific media that I choose.
Game of Thrones
The main reason in which I choose to watch this television show is for entertainment purposes. However my consumption of this television programme didn't start off as entertainment. I started watching Game of Thrones for integration/social interaction purposes. Game of Thrones is one of those programmes that absolutely everyone is talking about, and so it was pretty impossible for me, not to want to discover who was going to be killed off next! Many of my friends had watched Game of Thrones, and so I decided to start watching it, to somewhat 'stay in the loop' of conversation. The gratification I receive from watching this programme is that I am able to identify with others and gain a sense of belonging. When an individual or a group, watch the same programme, there is a strong sense of belonging. Everyone is able to converse with one another, purely about the show, representing a sense of exclusivity, and loyalty to the programme. It somewhat feels like being a part of a fandom, for a specific thing, which I thoroughly enjoy. Becoming an avid Game of Thrones fan, it also allows me to find a basis for conversation, and socially interact with people. There's nothing better than conversing with a fellow fan about the latest episode, discussing who killed who, and who we think will be the true king/queen of Westeros. So as well as social interaction, I also choose to watch this television show to be entertained. I am an absolutely HUGE fan of Game of Thrones! The show is thoroughly entertaining, and the gratification I receive, when I watch it is mainly relaxation-although any Game of Thrones fan will know that many episodes are most definitely NOT relaxing and rather tense.. (ahem, The Red Wedding..). Its a sense of escaping the real world and being thrown into a completely new experience, so I suppose I would say that for me, watching Game of Thrones diverts me from my current surroundings and potential problems, and just allows me to relax. Personally, because I love it so much, consuming this particular media is an emotional release.
-So, If I haven't tempted you enough to watch Game of Thrones, you really should, it's mind blowing!
I tend to watch BBC NEWS primarily to gain information, about what's happening in the world, and what I need to be aware of. I find watching the news absolutely fascinating! I think it's odd that people don't want to know what's going on around the world, and that they live in their own little bubble. I'm the type of person who loves experiencing new cultures and surroundings, and essentially being clued up on current issues. The main gratification that I receive from watching BBC NEWS is that it satisfies my curiosity and general interest. It also allows me to find out about relevant events and conditions in immediate surroundings, society and the world. So as I'm a very nosy person, who like's knowing what's going on in the world, it is relevant that this is the gratification that I receive. It also helps me seek advice on practical matters within society, as the show gives me a vast amount og information. Alike Game of Thrones, I also watch the news for social interaction. Again, the gratification in which I receive from watching this is that I find a basis for conversation. There could be stories on the news about politics and general election, which would allow me to find out the views of others, resulting in social interaction.
Harry Potter
I absolutely LOVE watching Harry Potter, it is my favourite film. So because of this, the main reason in which I watch the Harry Potter films is for entertainment purposes. I can sit through any film from the franchise, for as many times as I like and I will not get bored. I absolutely adore this film franchise! The gratifications that I receive from watching these films are the sense of escape and diversion from real life. Everyone knows that the Harry Potter films are based primarily around magic, which is something that is alien to all you Muggles. This is the main reason that I watch these films, to escape from modern day and just immerse myself in this fantasy land. Again, it's an emotional release, which is quite difficult to explain as it means the absolute world to me! Watching Harry Potter makes me feel very relaxed, in that I don't have to focus on anything, but the film. It just makes me extremely happy.
As well as watching television and films, I also consume media through radio. The station that I'm most likely to tune into is BBC RADIO 1. This is mainly down to the specific content that the show contains. I enjoy the majority of the music aired, as well as the familiarity of presenters, and who couldn't love those dumb 'game shows' with Grimmy. Because of the content of this radio station, I usually tune in for entertainment purposes. The gratification that I tend to receive when I listen to the radio is that it fills time. I usually listen to the radio when I'm doing coursework, or getting ready to go out somewhere. It's enjoyable to listen to the radio whilst I'm already doing something, so that it passes time for nicely.
As said earlier, I'm quite a nosey person, which is why Twitter is a great social media platform for me! It's great that I'm able to see what my friends, as well as idols, are getting up to in their lives. I like that I'm able to socially interact with them-even if they don't reply to my tweets..oh well. But yeah, anyway.. I consume this particular media for mainly Personal identity purposes. I like that I can be anyone that I want to be online, and express myself where I, hopefully, will not be judged. Twitter allows me to find 'models of behaviour' such as my idols that I 'follow'. I'm able to somewhat express myself more, without the fear of looking silly and so another gratification that I receive is 'gaining insight into one's self'. I also use Twitter for entertainment purposes, in which I generally scroll down my timeline to 'fill time' or avoid awkward real life situations-We've all been there!
I tend to browse Youtube 90% of the day! I love actively looking at new things, or listen/discover new music! YouTube is most likely the website that I consume the most on a day to day basis. I use this website for entertainment purposes usually. YouTube is the main reason behind my procrastination, but don't let anyone know that! YouTube is a great way to 'escape' from reality, and look at what others do around the world. It's essentially a global community, meaning we're able to watch videos posted from all over the place! I also use YouTube to 'fill time' which essentially means procrastinating-which isn't very good at all, but it's enjoyable so I guess in theory, it's okay.
Unlike many people my age, I'm not necessarily 'into' many video games, although there are a few that I can tolerate. I regularly play Left4Dead2 which is a zombie apocalypse survival game, with my boyfriend. I play this for entertainment purposes, and to laugh at how rubbish I am, as I tend to 'die' fairly early on in the game.. I play this game to 'fill time' and just for something to do. I also play this when I'm in the mood for a good laugh, and so I guess you could say it's an emotional release. As well as entertainment, the obvious reason for playing this game is social interaction. If I was playing this game on my own I would probably be exceptionally annoyed at how unskilled I am. Instead, playing the xbox game with someone is enjoyable, as we both laugh at how terrible I am. I guess the gratification that I receive when playing this game is that I gain a 'sense of belonging'. Because I don't tend to play these types of games, playing it with someone helps me feel 'involved' in the whole gaming side of social interaction.
The Sun
The Sun is one of those newspapers that's all about being nosey-(queue Shani). Although I know not to believe
everything you read in a newspaper, I still enjoy flicking through the pages and looking at all the gossip. I mainly use this media platform as an entertainment purpose. I don't always read this newspaper but when I do it's primarily for filling time, whilst sat in front of the television, or perhaps eating lunch. It's just one of those things that if it's there, then I will tend to have a look through. I also consume this specific type of media for information purposes. I mainly use it to satisfy curiosity and general interest, based on the stories within the paper.
Marie Claire
I enjoy reading magazines, to look at all the latest fashion/beauty inspo's and trends. I suppose the main reason for me consuming this specific type of media is personal identity purposes. I enjoy looking at the latest beauty techniques, as well as style trends, and picture myself with these latest trends. I guess in a way, it's mainly about finding models and things, of behaviour, that I could possibly take inspiration from and mimic myself. It also allows me to gain an insight into myself, as I wonder what I may look like, if I adopted these styles.
Overall, I think the McQuail's theory is pretty 'bang on' in regards to the uses and gratifications, that we gain from media. Looking at my personal consumption, I can relate to the McQuail's theory as to why I consume the media that I do, and what gratifications I get from it all. However a criticism of the theory is that we don't
always choose what media we consume. Alot of us are secondary or tertiary users. Put it this way, if your friday evening is anything like mine, your parents will most likely be in control of the Sky remote at about 8pm. We are sometimes unable to choose what media we consume. Another example, is that we are powerless as to what posters/billboards we see on the way to college/work.