Controversial Film/Video Game

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I'm sure if you scoured the internet for links between screen violence and the effect on the viewers, you'd find a whole load of content!

One shocking story that I will be discussing, including this issue, is the James Bulger case. I'm sure everyone has heard about this absolutely vile case. The two year old, James Bulger, was abducted from a shopping centre in which he was in the company of his mother. His abductors were two 10 year old boys, later identified as Robert Thompson and Jon Venables. Thompson and Venables brutally and disgustingly tortured James Bulger, and left his lifeless body on a railway line in Liverpool.

The disgusting behaviour of these two children was documented by tabloid newspapers, who created the link between the horror film Child's Play 3. Within the film, there is a scene in which the terrifying doll, Chucky, splashes his victim with blue paint. James Bulger was found with blue paint across the left hand side of his face, as well as in his eye, which was evidently down to his murderers, Venables and Thompson. It came to light during a police investigation, that Venables' father had previously rented the horror Child's Play 3: Look Who's Stalking. However the potential link was dismissed, when it was concluded that Venables was not living at his fathers at the time, and supposedly would've been unlikely to have seen the film. It was also apparent that the child killer 'disliked horror films'-a study confirmed from psychiatric reports. Not that I necessarily believe that Venables 'disliked horror films' based upon the vile acts himself and Thompson carried out!
So the police investigation concluded that there was no video link.

-In regards to this, I'm not entirely sure that the murderers didn't mimic specific actions from a media source. As said in one of my previous posts, we cannot always control what media we consume, but in some cases we can. Who knows if Venables or Thompson consumed any violent media content? Even a psychiatrist can be wrong.

Perhaps the main reason behind these actions was that these individuals were mentally unstable? Perhaps an abnormal upbringing? There are so many Perhaps' questions, as to why these young boys did what they did. We will never truly know why. All I know is that nothing could possible excuse what these two 10 year old boys did to little James Bulger. It was beyond cruel.

If this was something that was provoked by violent media, and there are some truly terrible cases which have, then it goes to show that we should be very concerned about young people consuming this type of media at such a young age. Children's brains are sponges. They soak up everything they're 'fed'- whether this by an individual or by the media. It is terrifying what people, or in this case, children, are capable of.
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