What effect does sexually explicit media forms have on audience and society?

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Sexually explicit media forms-always a good topic..

We've all heard of Fifty Shades of Grey I'm sure? 
No?..Okay well here's a brief breakdown..

Fifty Shades of Grey originated from a series of erotic novels, revolving around a man called Christian Grey. He's the typical alluring, cold, wealthy, businessman that I'm sure a lot of women would fantasise about.. So he meets this women, and they somewhat 'hit it off'. Grey then decides to let Anastasia into his most darkest secret, involving his sex life- BDSM.
That's literally what the books are about, and the film-well I'm told that's terrible too, so we won't go there...

Following the release of the books, it seemed that's all that women wanted to talk about with their friends over a coffee, or a few glasses of wine. The public, mainly female, were thrown into a frenzy of these new erotic novels. Suddenly I had a swarm of 'Mrs Grey's among my Twitter timeline-which was a little odd. This new erotic novel series impacted the audience hugely, with everyone now taking a much firmer interest in one another's sex lives. Again, a little weird.
Although following the release of these novels, a poll had been taken which resulted that more women had said that their sex life as a whole, had improved after reading these books. This obviously spurred more people on to buy these books, and see what all the fuss was about, and perhaps improve theirs too?

According to news features, sales in shops such as Ann Summers and Love Honey, had increased an extortionate amount-meaning only one thing, that the public were getting more experimental. 
It's odd how something so simple as a book, can change the discussions of what used to be a taboo subject, and make it the 'social norm'. Personally I still find the whole thing strange..

After the success of the novels, an idea of a film was pitched, and so early 2015 we were given a film version. I haven't seen it myself, but apparently I've been told it's absolute pants! But I guess with anything, alot of people have different opinions. It was announced that one of the hugest DIY stores in the UK, B&Q, would have to be prepared for huge sales in items such as rope, tape and cable ties.

This was an odd thing to read as I was scrolling down my facebook feed, on the trending items of that week..
I guess it just goes to show, that mainstream sexually explicit media forms do have a huge impact on audiences, as well as society. Society is becoming more accepting of once 'taboo' topics, and is now embracing that. I guess society as a whole is being more open to new ideas, which perhaps in some way is a good way. However, although BDSM was represented in a positive light, there are many that dismissed this idea, and saw it as a negative effect on society. A large majority stated that the film/novels, presented something that was cruel, and shouldn't be seen as enjoyable within a part of sex. In many people's eyes, BDSM is shown as an act of domestic abuse, that shouldn't be glorified. Many believe that the film accepts the idea of domestic abuse, and that because it's sexual and potentially 'enjoyable', that they can somewhat get away with it. 

Pornography is another form of sexually explicit media, that is considered taboo. This is seen in many different lights, according to one's relationship with pornography. As a whole, I think as a nation we all pretty much know, that pornography is not a realistic portrayal of sex. There are some headstrong people out there that would disagree, and say that nothing is 'staged' and that the 'actors' are purely acting out of pleasure. We all know deep down that this is pretty much rubbish! 

Pornography is one of those things that is mainly associated with males, and that females are unable to consume it. My question to that, is why? Are women not entitled to consume pornography for their own pleasure, just as men do? Why is it frowned upon for women to access something, that is second nature to men? 
Following a recent discussion involving this matter, one individual said "Men wouldn't mind women watching porn, cos they'll think it's hot!". My question to that is, why does something have to be 'hot' for a woman to enjoy it? Why do they need to seek reassurance from a male, for them to feel pleasured? No matter what women do in regards to pornography, it always seems to end up being for the male's benefit. Now, I may seem like a real feminist here, but I think that's completely wrong-and I'm sure many women would agree with me! So according to a majority of males in society, women choose to watch pornography, so that they have this 'label of being hot'. So essentially the woman is still pleasing the man. Society today still have this view that women are unable to be sexually vocal, and that although male's are still able to express their views on sex, women have to stay quiet.

Another way in which it affects audiences/society, is the false experience of sex. Pornstars are usually shown as exceptionally toned, pretty, with flawless skin- when in reality, people who don't look this way still have sex! Pornography somewhat expresses the idea that if you don't look a certain way, then you can't really enjoy sex. Granted, there are a variety of categories within porn that caters to all, but the mainstream pornography usually features actors with these aesthetics. In reality a large majority of these men and women have most likely undertaken cosmetic surgery, to look the way they do. I've heard in some cases that women have has surgery around their pelvis/crotch, to make it more aesthetically 'pleasing'.

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